We value our suppliers and the key role they play in giving our customers what they want. That's why we want to build long-term relationships with strategic partners and have clear and fair terms and conditions.
We want all our relationships to be based on the core principles of sustainability, open and honest communication and fair dealing.
Working with Cadmus Distribution Group Limited
Our suppliers have a fantastic opportunity to play a key role in our various trading brands.
The Cadmus procurement team manage sourcing, supplier selection and the full contract lifecycle for the goods and services we buy. They work closely with our operational teams and key strategic suppliers to get the best quality and value at all times.
We expect all our suppliers to extend the above core principles to their own suppliers, including subcontractors, their employees and the communities in which they work.
Become a Cadmus Distribution Group Limited Supplier
If you believe your company can work with us to deliver outstanding customer value year after year, through delivery of great products or services, responsibly sourced and backed by fantastic customer service, we would love to hear from you.
We recognise that our suppliers and contractors are engaged in a wide range of activities, differ considerably in size and have varying experience in safety, health and environmental management.
Our expectations:
- Hold or are working towards appropriate ISO standards
- Ethical behaviours -to work ethically at all times
- Comply with Modern Slavery Act 2015
- Equality of treatment - to treat all staff, contractors and suppliers with respect and to have equality of opportunity at work without discrimination
- Environmental - To consider the environmental footprint of the goods and services that you supply including the environmental impact of where and how items are produced, transported and packaged
- Sustainable procurement - Consider and actively manage the impacts of products and services. This involves making only necessary purchases, securing value for money and good quality over the lifecycle of the product or service.
Competition Law - Supplier Principles
- We will both take all steps necessary to ensure that we are fully compliant with applicable competition (anti-trust) laws.
- We will not share confidential information about you with any of your competitors.
- We will also not share with you confidential information we may have about any of your competitors. Equally, you should not share with us any confidential information that you have about our competitors. And in turn you should not share confidential information you have about us with any of our competitors.
- It is against the law for us to agree with you what price we will sell your products at or to have any agreement or arrangement that puts a floor on the prices we sell them at. The same also applies to our customers.
- It is against the law for us to tell them what price they can sell your products at or to require or incentivise them to keep their prices above a certain level.
All Cadmus Distribution Group Limited businesses focus on their national territories. However, we operate in a single market in the EU, allowing customers to approach any seller they want. This means that while you may appoint us as your distributor for a territory in the EU, it is illegal for us to agree that we will never accept passive orders from customers. These are orders where a customer from outside our territory approaches us.
We need to make an independent decision on whether we do business with them. If you have a properly-structured reseller/retailer incentive programme in place (based on clear gold/ silver/bronze or similar criteria), we will work within that. But otherwise, we are not allowed to agree restrictions on what customers we sell to within the EU. Equally, our customers are free to use and re-sell your products anywhere in the EU. We are not generally allowed to place restrictions on what they do with your products other than if export controls or embargoes (see below) apply.
Because we operate in a single market, our customers must always be free to sell online or advertise online your products to customers within the EU. We will both ensure that we have provided suitable training on relevant competition (anti-trust) laws to relevant employees within our businesses.
Policy approved by the Board of Cadmus Distribution Group Ltd
Supplier Contact Info:
Cadmus Distribution Group Ltd. t/a VoIPon Solutions
Address: 5 Suffolk Drive, Dukes Park Industrial Estate, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 6UN
Incorporated in England with registration No. 11136065, VAT Number GB 285 4920 72 Cadmus Distribution Group Limited t/a VoIPon Solutions
T +44 (0) 330 088 0195 E info@voipon.co.uk